if anyone likes free information and read this article till the end here a list of coins with low `market cap / fdv`:

('serum', 0.013112073750009463)

('oxygen', 0.020236146898887933)

('merit-circle', 0.042592000026492556)

('bonfida', 0.04908680262896768)

('star-atlas', 0.060000000065409904)

('illuvium', 0.06347760580886667)

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Tons of Solana coins...

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no surprise these coins are down only

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This is extremely useful thanks. Do you have a database/source for the mkt cap/FDV of more coins like the ones above? (seems to be taken from Python by the looks of it)

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you can pull realtime from coingecko api

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A must read for newcomers. Its unbelieavable that some people "invest" in projects without having in consideration everything exposed here.

But the worse part is that even having no clue, some of them still will make fucking lots of money.

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in crypto, low IQ > medium IQ somehow

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And when they make that tonne of money, they think they are crypto God incarnate. Friends and family will come to them for advice...and when the bear market/crash/dip comes or there's a rug pull/scam, they lose their money...

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Thanks for being real Sir, proly 95% of CT are actors.

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Thanks Cobie, I really enjoyed your write-up and agree that many crypto investors do not fully appreciate the nuances between circulating market cap and FDV. Out of curiosity, as someone involved with Lido, wouldn't you acknowledge their tokenomics fall into the exact circulating vs FDV trap you have written about in such detail above.

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Hey Cobie, excellent article learned a lot. It will be nice if you can write an article on how you invest in projects early like Solana, it will be helpful for us newbies. Also, judging by your article do you think 2022 is going to be a Bear market or are we already in a bear market?

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Dumb question - where can you look up unlock schedules? Is that info generally public for larger projects?

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As BooBoo mentioned below, usually it's in the whitepaper, although I didn't find any unlock details of quite a few recent projects in their whitepapers. Communities and project team reps usually answer those questions in dedicated channels in discord, telegram..

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Best charts shared on CT this year

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bullish unlock from bearish market;

bearish unlock from bull market;

The unlock matters or the market matters?

And imagine another scenario:

A and B projects both have a large unlock coming. A project unlocks more for investors and B unlocks more for the team. Whether project will suffer a worse dumping?

The unlock is also a chips game.

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Thank you

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I've been wanting to get more involved in the crypto market but seeing markets I do not understand really puts me off. This is a great starting point.

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Seems someone has taken this content and passed as their own? https://mirror.xyz/dongdo.eth/bLImcK8ViJFVCctuSaXpKCUd93J66hbklH6XzSIolCk

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Your substack is My Discovery Of The Year. Thank u

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Dec 30, 2021·edited Dec 30, 2021

Hi Cobie. I don't get your example. Before hype the price was $0.1 with the market cap of $5m (which means there are 50m coin in circulation), after hype market cap 20x to $100m and coin price is 40x to $4.0 (which means there are 25m coin in circulation). This can only happen if you burn half of the coin in circulation. I know that it is not wrong, but it make the example confusing unnecessarily.

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ah man... only three : )

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